Staff Spotlight: Caliber Senior Director Christina Levin.

Kate Forster
Posted on Dec. 13, 2023
Staff Spotlights

Caliber senior director Christina Levin, a cool cat mom, mindful cleaning enthusiast and seasoned traveler, recently sat down with Kate Forster, Caliber’s culture manager, to talk about her career in fintech and financial services public relations. Read on to learn more about Christina, who joined Caliber in 2022, in this Staff Spotlight interview.

Kate: What is your favorite nickname and how did you get it?

Christina: OK – this is mortifying and not necessarily my favorite, but when I was in fourth grade or so, I remember declaring my nickname was “Spider.” The truth of the matter is I had severe arachnophobia and was definitely trying to pull some reverse psychology trick on my classmates – I can’t fear something I’ve labeled myself and claimed so assertively, right? Young manipulator! Things are a bit simpler these days – my family and friends just call me Christy.

Kate: Where do you consider “home”? What is special about it?

Staff Spotlight: Caliber Director Christina LevinChristina: This is the cheesiest line of all time, but home is wherever I’m with my husband, Edward (and now our 6-month kitten, Jasper). It feels like we have been everywhere under the sun lately – met studying abroad in London, went to undergrad in Syracuse, spent more than a decade in Brooklyn and even lived in Tulsa, Oklahoma for a year while he clerked for a federal judge there. Now, we’re back on the East Coast in Wilmington, Delaware, the same state as my in-laws. This is also sort of a loaded question because I grew up in Ukraine, where there’s a war, and my parents and siblings currently live in Israel, where there’s another war. Over the years, I’ve found that I don’t really form attachments to places and mostly just care that I’m near my loved ones.

Kate: What non-work activities inspire you?

Christina: I am what you call indoorsy and wholeheartedly embrace hygge culture. I love all sorts of cozy activities with family and friends – watching a good movie or indulging in a delectable meal (even better if there’s a storm outside). I also find cleaning and organizing deeply therapeutic. This just works wonders for my mental health sometimes. There’s so much chaos in the world that tidy bathroom cabinets instantly evoke a sense of calm for me – I don’t care who makes fun of me, see you at The Container Store.

Kate: If you had to include one ingredient in every meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? 

Christina: What if it’s alongside every meal? Then I would choose to (continue to) chug espresso all day long.

Kate: What’s your favorite movie and/or book?

Christina: I cannot possibly pick one! I gravitate toward documentaries, thrillers and dramas when it comes to movies, and classical literature or self-help in terms of books. (Clearly, I need a lot of help.) Love all sorts of social commentary – one of my favorite reads of all time is How to Be a Woman by Caitlin Moran.

Kate: What’s one accomplishment from your childhood that you still brag about?

Christina: Ha, most of my accomplishments are more recent, and I let them brag for themselves!  Everything that comes to mind is super trivial. Probably persevering through swimming lessons and learning not to breathe through my nose underwater. There’s nothing I dreaded more as a kid than drowning (maybe spiders), but I was adamant – like, “pool, I will conquer you.”

Kate: What’s something your colleagues don’t know about you?

Christina: I have a tattoo! No further comment.

Kate: When you think about your time at Caliber, what career accomplishment or milestone makes you feel most proud?

Christina: It’s most rewarding to me when our public relations efforts move the needle and help advance a client’s broader company goals. Whether it’s securing a compelling media placement that connects our client to a new business lead, or garnering brand-tipping exposure for an executive at a given industry conference, I’m proudest when our work serves a tangible, meaningful and lasting purpose. The process of crafting powerful narratives drives me as well – it’s not just about getting your client mentioned somewhere, it’s about ensuring they’re properly positioned and your desired messaging is conveyed to the right audience. Storytelling is equal parts strategy and art.

Kate: Name one thing that amazes you about fintech or innovation in financial services.

Christina: The sheer scope of how many facets of our lives fintech now has applications for. Also, the pace of innovation and diversity within fintech itself are pretty remarkable. I work with clients in cyber security and insurance, cannabis banking, AI and machine learning, SMB lending, you name it – there’s a fintech firm for it. Ultimately, I love that all of our clients address some kind of salient problem and empower others – whether it’s expanding access to a certain resource, mitigating bias, streamlining a cumbersome process, or otherwise giving people more agency through new tools and cutting-edge solutions.

Christina Levin quote

Kate: What’s your favorite thing about working at Caliber?

Christina: It’s always about the people. At Caliber, company culture isn’t just lip service – it’s something we genuinely prioritize fostering every single day – and there’s a ton of foresight in that as far as retaining talent, too. That’s how we’ve built such a close-knit team, despite being fully remote and spanning multiple time zones. There’s also a sense that your bosses truly have your back and are committed toward your growth, which isn’t always the case – especially in fields like PR.

Kate: What historical figure do you most admire?

Christina: Probably Benjamin Franklin, because he was just so ingenious and a real polymath. And obviously RBG, who was a complete legend by every measure.


Want to join Christina Levin at Caliber? Check out our job postings page for open positions, including the best mid-level public relations jobs!

The Staff Spotlight Q&A series highlights Caliber team members for the stellar work they do each day and the important part we all play in the company. Read more Staff Spotlight Q&A posts to learn more about our top-tier team.

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