Staff Spotlight: Caliber Account Executive Ashley Thompson.

Caliber Account Executive Ashley Thompson, an outdoorsy Texan who enjoys being creative, baking and relaxing with her unique pets, recently sat down with Kate Forster, Caliber’s culture manager, to talk about her career in fintech and financial services public relations. Read on to learn more about Ashley, who joined Caliber in 2022, in this Staff Spotlight interview.
Kate: What is your favorite nickname and how did you get it?
Ashley: Most of my family and friends call me Ash, which is pretty self-explanatory, but I have also come to embrace the nickname “mom” that my wonderful colleague Kyle Kempf gave me. For anyone who does not work closely with Kyle, he loves to give out nicknames, and I earned mine for my dedication to continually striving to keep my teams and our deliverables in order and on time. I am sure my stereotypically “mom” hobbies also contributed to this.
Kate: Where do you consider “home”? What is special about it?
Ashley: Home for me would be Texas. I was born and raised in the Austin area and grew up spending a lot of time with my extended family in North East Texas. I went to college on the coast in Corpus Christi and now live in San Marcos. I love how the state has such diverse landscapes, from hill country to mountains to deserts and coastlines. Texas has it all!
Kate: What non-work activities inspire you?
Ashley: When I am not working, I like to spend my time doing creative projects. Lately, that has included a lot of cooking and baking. Here are a few of my recent favorite recipes: Thai Chicken Lettuce Wraps, Roasted Bell Pepper and Tomato Soup and Baked Mac and Cheese (I can not overstate how good this is). Otherwise, I really enjoy being outdoors, and I love to garden, hike and go camping!
Kate: If you had to include one ingredient in every meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Ashley: Over the last year and a half, I have read so many staff spotlights and nervously awaited the day I had to answer this question. There are so many ingredients I don’t think I could live without, but if I had to choose, it would be garlic. It makes just about everything better.
Kate: What’s one accomplishment from your childhood that you still brag about?
Ashley: In high school, I won an entrepreneurship summer camp scholarship for a business plan I created in one of my classes. At the camp, I got to compete with other kids in a shark tank-style competition with real investors! While I did not win, I am still proud to have had the chance to be there.
Kate: What’s something your colleagues don’t know about you?
Ashley: I have pet shrimp. 😂 Over the last few months, I have used the funds I received through Caliber’s employee wellness program to set up a planted aquarium. While not the most interactive pets, they are pretty relaxing to watch!
Kate: When you think about your time at Caliber, what career accomplishment or milestone makes you feel most proud?
Ashley: I feel proud of every win I have helped secure for my clients, whether that be media interviews or placements, speaking engagements or awards. One that stands out to me, though, was the first award win I helped secure for my client, The Clearing House, and a couple of their partners. It is such a fantastic feeling when something you have put a lot of work into gets celebrated and you are able to help your client get the recognition they deserve.
Kate: Name one thing that amazes you about fintech or innovation in financial services.
Ashley: While many things amaze me about fintech and financial services, I would say the innovation around financial inclusion inspires me the most. I am thankful to work with multiple clients who are transforming their industries for the better and enabling greater financial inclusion and wellness.
Kate: What’s your favorite thing about working at Caliber?
Ashley: The team. Everyone at Caliber is talented, kind, supportive and just a lot of fun to work with. If I can also mention a second, it would be our amazing benefits, particularly our unlimited PTO policy, which allows me to travel, spend time with family and friends and truly balance my work and personal life.
Want to join Ashley Thompson at Caliber? Check out our job postings page for open positions, including the best mid-level public relations jobs!
The Staff Spotlight Q&A series highlights Caliber team members for the stellar work they do each day and the important part we all play in the company. Read more Staff Spotlight Q&A posts to learn more about our top-tier team.
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